Saturday, May 29, 2021

Internet of Things and Applications - Module 3 - 17CS81, 18CS81

 Module 3

  1. With a neat diagram explain 6LoWPAN protocol header comparison and fragmentation.
  2. Explain in detail the 6LoWPAN.
  3. Explain in detail different schedule management and packet forwarding  models of 6TiSCH.
  4. List and explain the key advantages of internet protocol.
  5. Explain RPL encryption and authentication on constraint nodes.
  6. Explain working of IP as the IOT network layer.
  7. Write note on business case for IP.
  8. Discuss need for optimisation.
  9. Explain the raw socket tunnelling of SCADA using different scenarios.
  10. Explain tunnelling legacy SCADA over IP networks and SCADA protocol translation with a neat diagram.
  11. Describe MQTT framework and message format in detail.
  12. What is COAP? Draw COAP message format. Explain its fields.
  13. Compare between COAP and MQTT.
  14. Describe application protocols for IOT.
  15. Discuss the various methods used in IOT application transport.

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