Saturday, May 29, 2021

Internet of Things and Applications - Module 2 - 17CS81, 18CS81

 Module 2

  1. Define sensors and actuators. With a neat diagram, explain how actuators and sensors interact with physical world.
  2. Classify actuators based on energy type.
  3. List out the limitations of the smart objects in WSNs and explain the data aggregation in WSN with a neat diagram.
  4. List and explain the different types of Sensors.
  5. Elaborate on small physical objects small virtual objects.
  6. Explain “IOT Access Technologies”.
  7. Define smart objects. Explain its characteristics.
  8. Explain briefly the wireless sensor networks.
  9. What are constrained devices and constrained node networks? Classify them
  10. Explain ZIgBee protocol stack using IEEE 802.15.4
  11. Briefly explain protocol stack utilisation IEEE 802.15.4
  12. What is SANET? Explain some advantages and disadvantages that a wireless based solution offers.
  13. What is Zigbee?. Explain 802.15.4 physical layer, MAC Layer and security.
  14. Explain LoRaWAN standard and alliance MAC layer and security.

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