Module 2
- Define sensors and actuators. With a neat diagram, explain how actuators and sensors interact with physical world.
- Classify actuators based on energy type.
- List out the limitations of the smart objects in WSNs and explain the data aggregation in WSN with a neat diagram.
- List and explain the different types of Sensors.
- Elaborate on small physical objects small virtual objects.
- Explain “IOT Access Technologies”.
- Define smart objects. Explain its characteristics.
- Explain briefly the wireless sensor networks.
- What are constrained devices and constrained node networks? Classify them
- Explain ZIgBee protocol stack using IEEE 802.15.4
- Briefly explain protocol stack utilisation IEEE 802.15.4
- What is SANET? Explain some advantages and disadvantages that a wireless based solution offers.
- What is Zigbee?. Explain 802.15.4 physical layer, MAC Layer and security.
- Explain LoRaWAN standard and alliance MAC layer and security.
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