Module 1
- Define IOT. Explain Evolutionary phases of the internet
- What is IOT? Explain in detail on Genesis of IOT.
- What does IOT and digitization mean? Elaborate on this concept.
- Write a short note on “IOT impact in real World”.
- Discuss IOT challenges.
- With a neat diagram, explain architecture of IOT.
- Explain the concept of intersection Movement Assist (IMA) with graphical representation.
- What are the elements of one M2M IOT architecture? Explain with diagram.
- Explain the functionality of IOT network management sub layer.
- Explain Access Network sub layer with a neat diagram.
- Describe IOT World Forum (IOTWF) standardized architecture.
- Compare and contrast IT and IOT.
- Explain core IOT functional stack.
- Explain IOT Data Management and Compute Stack.
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