Saturday, May 29, 2021

Internet of Things and Applications - Module 1 - 17CS81, 18CS81

Module 1

  1. Define IOT. Explain Evolutionary phases of the internet
  2. What is IOT?  Explain in detail on Genesis of IOT.
  3. What does IOT and digitization mean? Elaborate on this concept.
  4. Write a short note on “IOT impact in real World”.
  5. Discuss IOT challenges.
  6. With a neat diagram, explain architecture of IOT.
  7. Explain the concept of intersection Movement Assist (IMA) with graphical representation.
  8. What are the elements of one M2M IOT architecture? Explain with diagram.
  9. Explain the functionality of IOT network management sub layer.
  10. Explain Access Network sub layer with a neat diagram.
  11. Describe IOT World Forum (IOTWF) standardized architecture.
  12. Compare and contrast IT and IOT.
  13. Explain core IOT functional stack.
  14. Explain IOT Data Management and Compute Stack. 

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