Saturday, May 29, 2021

Internet of Things and Applications - Module 5 - 17CS81, 18CS81

 Module 5

  1. Give a brief note on Arduino UNO.
  2. Explain Raspberry Pi learning board.
  3. With a neat diagram explain wireless temperature monitoring system using Raspberry Pi.
  4. Write a python program on Raspberry Pi to blink an LED.
  5. Explain smart city security architecture.
  6. Explain in detail smart city IOT architecture.
  7. With the case studies explain smart and connected cities using Raspberry Pi.
  8. Write short notes on:  i)IOT challenges ii)Backhaul Technologies
  9. Explain the following with respect to Arduino Programming. 
              i)Structures ii)Functions iii)Variables iv)Flow control statements v) Datatype vi) Constants

Internet of Things and Applications - Module 4 - 17CS81, 18CS81

 Module 4

  1. What do you mean by data analysis for IOT? Explain
  2. Discuss Bigdata analytics tool and technology
  3. Explain the elements of Hadoop with a neat diagram.
  4. Explain neural network in machine learning with a detailed example.
  5. Describe the different components of Flexible net flow (FNF) architecture.
  6. Explain in detail the core functions of edge analytics with necessary diagram.
  7. Explain the different steps and phases of OCTAVE allegro methodology.
  8. Explain secured network infrastructure by using process control hierarchy model.
  9. Explain in detail how IT and OT security practises vary in real time.
  10. Discuss OCTAVE and FAIR formal risk analysis.
  11. Explain Formal Risk Analysis structures.
  12. Explain the Purdue model for control hierarchy and OT network characteristics.

Python Application Programming - Module 5 - 17CS664 ,18CS55

  1. Explain any 2 socket functions. Explain the support for parsing HTML using regular expressions with an example program.
  2. Describe a support of security mechanism employed in internet applaication with support of API usage with an example program to get four strings and put them in ""
  3. Write a note on XML. Design python program to retrieve a node present in a XML tree.
  4. Brief on structured query langauge with suitable python program explain functions involved in creation of database table in python.
  5. Write a python program that retrieve an user's Twitter friends. Parse the returned JSON and extract some of the information about the friends.
  6. Create a a simple spidering program that will go through Twitter accounts and build a database of them.
  7. Demonstrate with the help of python construct i) how to retrieve an image over HTTP. ii) How to retrieve web pages with urllib.
  8. Compare and contrast the javascript object notation (JSON) and XML.
  9. What is service -oriented architecture. List the advantages of the same.

Internet of Things and Applications - Module 3 - 17CS81, 18CS81

 Module 3

  1. With a neat diagram explain 6LoWPAN protocol header comparison and fragmentation.
  2. Explain in detail the 6LoWPAN.
  3. Explain in detail different schedule management and packet forwarding  models of 6TiSCH.
  4. List and explain the key advantages of internet protocol.
  5. Explain RPL encryption and authentication on constraint nodes.
  6. Explain working of IP as the IOT network layer.
  7. Write note on business case for IP.
  8. Discuss need for optimisation.
  9. Explain the raw socket tunnelling of SCADA using different scenarios.
  10. Explain tunnelling legacy SCADA over IP networks and SCADA protocol translation with a neat diagram.
  11. Describe MQTT framework and message format in detail.
  12. What is COAP? Draw COAP message format. Explain its fields.
  13. Compare between COAP and MQTT.
  14. Describe application protocols for IOT.
  15. Discuss the various methods used in IOT application transport.

Internet of Things and Applications - Module 2 - 17CS81, 18CS81

 Module 2

  1. Define sensors and actuators. With a neat diagram, explain how actuators and sensors interact with physical world.
  2. Classify actuators based on energy type.
  3. List out the limitations of the smart objects in WSNs and explain the data aggregation in WSN with a neat diagram.
  4. List and explain the different types of Sensors.
  5. Elaborate on small physical objects small virtual objects.
  6. Explain “IOT Access Technologies”.
  7. Define smart objects. Explain its characteristics.
  8. Explain briefly the wireless sensor networks.
  9. What are constrained devices and constrained node networks? Classify them
  10. Explain ZIgBee protocol stack using IEEE 802.15.4
  11. Briefly explain protocol stack utilisation IEEE 802.15.4
  12. What is SANET? Explain some advantages and disadvantages that a wireless based solution offers.
  13. What is Zigbee?. Explain 802.15.4 physical layer, MAC Layer and security.
  14. Explain LoRaWAN standard and alliance MAC layer and security.

Internet of Things and Applications - Module 1 - 17CS81, 18CS81

Module 1

  1. Define IOT. Explain Evolutionary phases of the internet
  2. What is IOT?  Explain in detail on Genesis of IOT.
  3. What does IOT and digitization mean? Elaborate on this concept.
  4. Write a short note on “IOT impact in real World”.
  5. Discuss IOT challenges.
  6. With a neat diagram, explain architecture of IOT.
  7. Explain the concept of intersection Movement Assist (IMA) with graphical representation.
  8. What are the elements of one M2M IOT architecture? Explain with diagram.
  9. Explain the functionality of IOT network management sub layer.
  10. Explain Access Network sub layer with a neat diagram.
  11. Describe IOT World Forum (IOTWF) standardized architecture.
  12. Compare and contrast IT and IOT.
  13. Explain core IOT functional stack.
  14. Explain IOT Data Management and Compute Stack. 

Database Management systems - Module 2

1 a. Explain the entity integrity and referential integrity constraints.   Why is each considered important. Give examples.    b. Discuss eq...