Sunday, October 9, 2022

Database Management Systems -Module 1


MODULE - 1 - Introduction to Databases

  1. Explain the characteristics of data base approach.
  2. Compare DBMS and early file systems bringing out the major advantages of the database approach. 
  3. Discuss the main Characteristics of the database approach.How does it differ from Traditional file systems?
  4. With a neat block diagram, explain the architecture of a typical DBMS. 
  5. Explain the typical components of a DBMS with a neat diagram
  6. Explain different types of user friendly interfaces and types of user who typically use each.
  7. What are the responsibilities of a data base administrators.
  8. What is meant by “persistent storage for program objects”. Explain.
  9. Briefly discuss the advantages of using the DBMS.
  10. Explain the Operation of Two-Tier Client/Server architecture for RDBMS?
  11. Briefly explain the advantages of Object Oriented Systems? 
  12. List the summary of the notations for ER diagrams. Include symbols used in ER diagram and their meaning.
  13. Define the following with an example: (i) Weak entity type (ii) participation constraint (iii)cardinality ratio (iv) recursive relationship (v) specialization
  14. Develop an ER diagram for keeping track of information about a company database taking into account atleast five entities.
  15. Explain hoe role names are assigned in case of recursive relationships? Illustrate this concept with an example.
  16. Design an ER Diagram for keeping track of Information about Bank Database,Taking into account 4 entities?
  17. Draw an ER diagram for a movie database. Assume your own entities (minimum 4), attributes and relationship. Indicate all keys, constraints and assumptions that are made.
  18. What are the responsibilities of the DBA and database designer?
  19. Discuss with example the structural constraints on relationship types.
  20. Describe the three schema architecture. Why do we need mapping among schema levels.
  21. Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach and how it differs from traditional file system.


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Database Management systems - Module 2

1 a. Explain the entity integrity and referential integrity constraints.   Why is each considered important. Give examples.    b. Discuss eq...