MODULE - 1 - Introduction to Databases
- Explain the characteristics of data base approach.
- Compare DBMS and early file systems bringing out the major advantages of the database approach.
- Discuss the main Characteristics of the database approach.How does it differ from Traditional file systems?
- With a neat block diagram, explain the architecture of a typical DBMS.
- Explain the typical components of a DBMS with a neat diagram
- Explain different types of user friendly interfaces and types of user who typically use each.
- What are the responsibilities of a data base administrators.
- What is meant by “persistent storage for program objects”. Explain.
- Briefly discuss the advantages of using the DBMS.
- Explain the Operation of Two-Tier Client/Server architecture for RDBMS?
- Briefly explain the advantages of Object Oriented Systems?
- List the summary of the notations for ER diagrams. Include symbols used in ER diagram and their meaning.
- Define the following with an example: (i) Weak entity type (ii) participation constraint (iii)cardinality ratio (iv) recursive relationship (v) specialization
- Develop an ER diagram for keeping track of information about a company database taking into account atleast five entities.
- Explain hoe role names are assigned in case of recursive relationships? Illustrate this concept with an example.
- Design an ER Diagram for keeping track of Information about Bank Database,Taking into account 4 entities?
- Draw an ER diagram for a movie database. Assume your own entities (minimum 4), attributes and relationship. Indicate all keys, constraints and assumptions that are made.
- What are the responsibilities of the DBA and database designer?
- Discuss with example the structural constraints on relationship types.
- Describe the three schema architecture. Why do we need mapping among schema levels.
- Discuss the main characteristics of the database approach and how it differs from traditional file system.