Saturday, April 4, 2020

Python Application Programming - Module 1 - 17CS664, 18CS55

  1. List the key features of Python Programming Language.
  2. What is the role of a programmer?. List at least two skills required to be a best programmer.
  3. Differentiate between compiler and interpreter
  4. Explain Python words and sentences with an example for each.
  5. What is meant by interactive mode.
  6. Explain short circuit evaluation of expression with suitable example in python.
  7. Mention three types of error encountered in python programming language.
  8. Explain the basic building blocks of python with an example
  9. Explain the chained and nested conditional execution statements along with syntax and flowchart.
  10. Write a python program to find the largest of three numbers
  11. Write a python program to check whether a given year is leap year or not with functions.
  12. Describe the python language support for arithmetic operators with an example.
  13. Write a python program to calculate student result based on 2 exam, 1 sport event and 3 activities conducted in a college with weightage of the activity - 20% and sports - 20% for 50 marks.
  14. List and give syntax of all python supported conditional statements along with its usage with an example program to check whether given number is positive or negative or zero.
  15. Differentiate between parameter and argument. Illustrate the flow of execution of a python function with an example program to convert given Celsius to Fahrenheit  temperature.

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