Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Operating Systems - Module 3 - Important Questions - 18CS43

  1. Explain the normal mode of operation of a process and when it is in a deadlock state with suitable example.
  2. Briefly explain the characteristics that results in deadlocks
  3. Describe deadlocks with the help of a resource allocation graph
  4. Briefly explain the methods for handling deadlocks
  5. Examine deadlock prevention w.r.t four necessary conditions of a deadlock.
  6. Explore and explain the two deadlock avoidance algorithms.
  7. How is a system recovered from deadlock.
  8. Explain Banker's Algorithm.
  9. Explain memory allocation model for a process.
  10. Explain the implementation of non contiguous memory allocation using segmentation.
  11. Discuss the techniques used to perform fresh memory allocation from a free list.
  12. Compare contiguous and non contiguous memory allocation technique
  13. Define : i) Virtual memory ii) Page Fault
  14. Define : i) Page in operation ii) Page out operation
  15. Define : i) Memory fragmentation ii) Memory Compaction.
  16. Define : Page and Page Frames.
  17. Define : internal and external fragmentation.
  18. Define : Paging and external fragmentation.
  19. Define : Logical and physical address
  20. Explain the concepts involved in demand loading of a page with neat diagram.
  21. Explain FIFO and LRU page replacement policies.
  22. Explain demand loading of a page with the help of a figure.
  23. Discuss the methods used to achieve the memory protection with a suitable example.
  24. Describe the memory allocation methods for program controlled blocks.
  25. Explain demand paging preliminaries.

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